Easy and secret steps of manifestation by means of law of attraction are simply quoted in below lines.
"Every single thing and each object is created two times in this universe.
Firstly, it is created mentally in mind,
and a second or physical creation of each and everything
begin at the end of its mental or first creation."
Everything that is inside this Universe is absolutely perfect and synchronistic with the divine. And only you yourself are responsible for manifesting or creating your future each and every moment by virtue of law of attraction. Your future is a huge blank secret canvas and you have got all the tools like brushes and paints and innovative artistic abilities to style it as you would like. The available depth to the present creation and its creative thinking by means of law of attraction is ENDLESS. Nothing is manifested accidentally in this infinite universe. Every single object that you experience physically are only the fabrications of the inner mind.The Ego is that the most fabulous illusion. Due to this ego, whatever you think yourself, is really very much different and illusionary from what actually you are. Your EGO consists of thoughts. It is merely a plan of your ego to keep you bound up in thoughts. But the secret reality is that "YOU ARE THE ALL POWERFUL REAL AND ETERNAL MANIFESTING SOUL" which can manifest all your desires by means of law of attraction.
Always remember the secret that you are living in a really infinite Universe in which EVERYTHING is always possible! Each and everything you desire can be attracted by law of attraction in your real life. Each and every thing is available in this universe initially in the form of pure potential. Yes, only YOU and YOU are the real designer, creator of your life! Just the assumption in your mind that you are separate from God separates you from knowing that you simply and naturally are a manifesting being of your thoughts and desires. The heavy bundle of opinions, beliefs and concepts in your mind regarding WHO you're is your own E.G.O. and which merely stands for 'E'xcluding 'G'od's 'O'mnipresense. Eliminate this ego to activate law of attraction.
May God bless you...!
May God bless you...!
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